What You Need to Know About Treating Running Injuries

Running is more than just a way to stay fit—it's a lifestyle, a meditation in motion. But even the most dedicated runners can find themselves sidelined by injuries. Whether it's a nagging pain or a sudden tweak, understanding how to treat running injuries can make all the difference in your recovery…

How to Maintain Healthy Skin During Stressful Exam Periods: Seven Tips

We’ve all been there: exams roll around, and our skin worsens. We break out, pale, or our skin turns oily but dull. The physical symptoms of exam stress can make everything feel a little worse. But never fear; you can do many things to keep your skin looking and feeling calm, clear, and glowing…

Why College Students Should Start Running: Ten Reasons

Running isn’t just a way to put in your workout time. It’s a ticket to a more active, healthier, and happier college existence. Here are ten reasons all college students should start lacing up their sneakers and getting out there on a sidewalk or by the nearest track.