Castle Rock Trail Festival A Great Success

The Castle Rock Trail Festival took place last weekend with a variety of race distances. Runners and walkers competed in a trail 50K, half marathon, 10k, 5k and a family adventure run. The weather cooperated with sunny skies and seasonably warm temperatures. The race was hosted by the town of Castle…

Runners Should Trust Thirst, New Study Says

If you’ve ever run a marathon, half-marathon, or any other long race, you’ve undoubtedly had a hydration plan: a detailed assessment of what you intend to drink, when you intend to drink it, and how you intend to obtain it. But a paper in tomorrow’s issue of Science may cause you to rethink exactly…

Intestinal Distress: Gutting It Out

While some runners have cast iron stomachs and few concerns about what and when they eat before they exercise, others live in fear of pre-exercise fuel contributing to undesired pit stops during their workouts. Be it stomach rumbling, a need to urinate or defecate, reflux, nausea, heartburn, or side…