Intestinal Distress: Gutting It Out

While some runners have cast iron stomachs and few concerns about what and when they eat before they exercise, others live in fear of pre-exercise fuel contributing to undesired pit stops during their workouts. Be it stomach rumbling, a need to urinate or defecate, reflux, nausea, heartburn, or side…

Food, Anxiety & Runners: A Troublesome Trio

As I write this column, the date is April 10th, 2020, three weeks into the coronavirus shut-down here in Boston. I continue to counsel clients from my virtual office. I am talking with runners and other athletes who are stuck at home, hating what they see when staring at themselves during Zoom…

More on Running With Your Dog

Colorado Runner recently posted an article on running with your dog. As someone who has logged many miles, especially during the Great Colorado Sign Challenge as Team Pitsky, I had a few tips to add. Disclaimer: I’m just a runner that runs a lot of miles with his pups. I’m not a dog trainer.