Why Endurance Athletes Feel Less Pain

While researching a book on endurance a few years ago, I interviewed a German scientist named Wolfgang Freund who had recently completed a study on the pain tolerance of ultra-endurance runners. Subjects in the study had to hold their hands in ice water for as long as possible. The non-athlete…

Couples Tips For Running Together

Are you a couple that rarely fights? Try running together…someone gets frustrated, someone gets tired, someone huffs and puffs till they blow your little house down. All right not all workouts go this way, but I’ve seen it happen to many otherwise happy couples and if this were a poker blog, I’d

Winning the War Against Snack Attacks

Day after day, I hear runners complain about their (seemingly) uncontrollable snacking habits. Some believe they are hopelessly, and helplessly, addicted to chocolate. Others believe eating between meals is sinful and fattening; snacking is just plain wrong. Some equate snacking to doing…