Does Music Help You Run Faster?

One thing that’s nearly ubiquitous among recreational runners at health clubs and on the roads is an iPod or mp3 player strapped to their arm. Most of these folks probably just use them as a distraction, especially if they don’t particularly enjoy running. But even at high-level competitions,

Cold and Snow Doesn’t Stop Some Denver Area Runners and Walkers

The cold temperatures and falling snow didn't stop 234 runners and walkers from competing in the rescheduled Donut Dash 5K on Sunday, October 25, 2020. The winter storm came in on Sunday morning. The race went on, after already being rescheduled once from April because of COVID. Josef Gertner of…

Bike theft in Denver is up 23%

From January through September, bike theft in Denver is up 23% compared to the same period a year earlier, Jay Casillas, public information officer for the Denver Police Department, told CBS MoneyWatch.