Why does it feel like you run faster in the dark?

The clocks went back over the weekend, which means that your evening runs might have gone from dusk to full-on dark this week. Running in the dark produces a strange phenomenon that most runners notice – you feel like you’re going faster. It seems that by removing the spatial cues that we get when

Fishers Peak is a Newly Open Colorado State Park

Fishers Peak State Park, the 42nd state park in Colorado, is now open near Trinidad in Las Animas County. The 19,200-acre property was purchased in February 2019 through a collaboration between Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), the City of Trinidad, The Nature Conservancy, the Trust for Public Land…

How to Choose a Running Watch

Running watches are popular due to their many uses. A built-in GPS, keeping track of time, and various stats make them used by marathon runners and joggers alike. You might be interested in getting a running watch but don’t know which one to choose from.