The Key Activities for Cultivating a Healthy Lifestyle

A survey done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 78 million adults who are obese in the United States which constitutes more than one-third of all adults. Such an astounding number is solid proof that only a few of these citizens have voted. Neither time nor even the disease…

How Proper Nutrition Can Boost Your Running Performance

As far as runners’ diets go, everyone seems to have an opinion. However, this view is frequently predicated on what we may refer to as n=1, which is a single runner’s unique eating experience or oversimplified science that only takes into account refueling and recuperation.

It’s race week for the Greenland Trail Races!

The Greenland Trail 50K has been awarded the Road Runners Club of America Western Region Ultra Championship. The race is scheduled for May 6, 2023 in Larkspur, Colorado at the Greenland Open Space Park in southern Douglas County, south of Castle Rock, just off I-25.