How To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout

Nobody goes to the gym hoping to get moderate results; you go seeking a 100% success rate for the effort and time you put in. That's why we compiled some of the best tips that will help you get the most out of your workout.

The Pros And Cons Of Exercising And Running On People With Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a relatively common sleep disorder that many people experience. Apart from affecting the quality of your nights’ rest, sleep apnea can potentially harm your health. While there are several medically recommended approaches to managing sleep apnea, exercising and…

A Manitou Incline ‘Dino FKT’

BRIAN METZLER - TRAILRUNNERMAG.COM With a rise of nearly 2,011 feet in less than a mile, Colorado’s Manitou Incline is one of the hardest and steepest running trails in the country. It has an average grade of 24 degrees and is as steep as 34 degrees at a few places. That’s