6 Things That You Never Thought Could Help Keep You In Shape

They tell us that keeping in shape is all about hard work, dedication, and sticking to a strict diet. This is only somewhat true, as indeed this will give you a fit and healthy body if you are persistent enough, though that is not the only way of doing it. A bit unconventional, but there are things…

Six Effective Tips To Become Better At Trail Running

Trail running allows athletes as well as casual runners to enjoy the beauty of nature, while they get into and maintain their shape. It is truly refreshing to leave the roads behind you in favor of the wide-open wild. Whether you’re getting into running for the first time, a seasoned road runner…

Exercising safely in hot weather

With global warming, runners are more likely to be training and competing in unusually hot weather. To effectively reduce the risk of exertional heat stroke (and death), runners should allow 10 to 14 days to acclimatize to exercising in hot weather. During acclimatization, your body adapts to…