Last Minute Marathon Tips

Running a marathon is one of the most satisfying accomplishments. To get a taste of that sweet satisfaction of crossing the finish line, you’ll have to put in some hard work, though. That means consistent training to get the long runs right and tapering during the last weeks leading up to the

A Runner’s Guide to Proper Hydration

We’ve all likely felt the effects of dehydration at some point in our lives, however as runners, proper hydration is especially important. Proper hydration does not mean going off a one-size-fits-all guide you found on Google, nor is it guzzling water a day before your race. Proper hydration…

Quick Tips to Get Back in Shape

Spent your entire pandemic lockdown binge-watching Netflix and eating cheese pizzas on your couch? There is no surprise that you are no more able to get into your old pair of jeans. However, not all has gone south. Here are some quick tips for you that will help you get back in shape.