Seven Reasons Why Women Should Take Probiotics

Did you know that women's gut health needs differ from men's? Well, when it comes to health, men and women need different treatments. However, when it comes to dealing with probiotics, women's intake will be different as well.

What You Need to Know About Treating Running Injuries

Running is more than just a way to stay fit—it's a lifestyle, a meditation in motion. But even the most dedicated runners can find themselves sidelined by injuries. Whether it's a nagging pain or a sudden tweak, understanding how to treat running injuries can make all the difference in your recovery…

How to Maintain Healthy Skin During Stressful Exam Periods: Seven Tips

We’ve all been there: exams roll around, and our skin worsens. We break out, pale, or our skin turns oily but dull. The physical symptoms of exam stress can make everything feel a little worse. But never fear; you can do many things to keep your skin looking and feeling calm, clear, and glowing…