Workout Tips to Make Your Exercises More Effective

Ever felt like you wanted to level up your workouts? No, not necessarily by logging more miles or doing more squats—we’re talking about incorporating smart, effective workout tips to get the most out of the moves or routines you’re already doing. In fact, these don’t have to be big changes: Small…

What To Look For In A Foot-Specific Moisturizer

Putting a foot moisturizer on your shopping list is easy. However, when you get to the skincare aisle at your local supermarket, the sheer number of foot care moisturizers on display can easily overwhelm you if you don't know what brand to buy.

How to Resume Exercise After Covid

You got sick. You got better. Now, how and when do you exercise after Covid? The symptoms can vary dramatically, but even mild cases will bring a training routine to a halt for a few days. After a period of inactivity, you lose strength and your aerobic condition dwindles, plus, in the case of…