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Devil’s Head Trail & Fire Lookout

The hike to the top of the last remaining fire lookout in Colorado charms with its smooth, double-track path and a canopy of pine and aspen. While this hike is not difficult - you can go with the entire family - it's a must-see. The tower's…

Hit the Dirt at Herman’s Gulch

I woke up on Sunday morning in late July and finally decided it was time to hit the high country for altitude training. With most of my training partners getting ready for the Leadville Trail 100, I knew it would be easy to drag a few of…

Hit The Dirt At The Paint Mines

A run through the Paint Mines is a journey in time. Archaeologists claim that prehistoric people began living on the rolling prairie at the Paint Mines 9,000 years ago. Native Americans are known to have taken the colorful clays to produce…

Hit The Dirt at Red Rocks Park

Each morning with the sun's first bright rays, legion's of the fit faithful march up and down the steps at the Red Rock Amphitheater. The heart-pounding, gut-wrenching routine can leave the toughest athlete gasping for air. I have tried…

Hit The Dirt at Mt. Sanitas

I first conquered Mt. Sanitas when I was training for the Pikes Peak Marathon in 2003. I had heard from a friend of a friend that it was a great hill workout and that it was quick and easy to get to.

Hit The Dirt at Apex Park

Nestled in the hills above Golden, Apex Park offers an easily- accessible retreat for metro area trail runners and mountain bikers. The park includes approximately 10 miles of trails over hilly terrain and rocky single track. The city of…

Hit The Dirt at Waterton Canyon

It was a cold and windy Saturday morning, which made the prospect of running a bit difficult in my current state of mind. I prefer to run when it is sunny and warm (who doesn't) so the fact that I needed to wear pants and a jacket didn't…

Hit The Dirt on the Blue Sky Trail

Nestled in the foothills west of Fort Collins is Horsetooth Mountain Park. Horsetooth Rock, a famous landmark visible from I-25, is the high point of this park. According to Native American legend, this rock is what remains of the heart of…

Hit The Dirt on the Colorado Trail At Kenosha Pass

That is how it started - my first real experience with the Colorado Trail, a 483-mile-long trail that connects Denver to Durango. Most of the trail is located in the rugged high mountains of Colorado. But the segment from Kenosha Pass to…

Hit The Dirt At Lair O’ The Bear Park

When looking for a uniquely Colorado trail running experience near the heart of the city, look no further than Lair o' the Bear park. Located just four miles west of Morrison, this park offers smooth trails ranging in elevation from 6,500…