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3 Fun Ways to Shake Up Your Fitness Routine

Most people who are serious about staying fit have a routine they follow. Typically,this involves some combination of weight training to gain strength and build muscles and an aerobic exercise to increase stamina.

Sleep and exercise compete for people’s time

On weekday mornings, two healthy activities - exercise and sleep - compete with each other for time, researchers say. As exercise increases, sleep decreases among those who wake up early to work out before heading to their jobs, the study…

Stretches to do before and after your next race

This is it! If you're running the NYC Marathon on Sunday it’s taper time which means you're feeling equal bits of excitement and phantom pains. Katy Lush, the founder of Chicago River North Pilates and Lush Living, specializes in…

Vitamin D and Performance

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that regulates some 1,000 processes in the body, and doctors have long known its importance to bone density and preventing the related illnesses like rickets and osteoporosis. Now researchers are beginning…