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Sports Nutrition: What Runners Should Be Eating

As a runner, you often wonder whether to eat whole grains, fruits, carbs, or proteins after a workout. By knowing what to eat and when to eat it, you can have an edge when running. The proper diet will build up your stamina and make you…

How to Dress for Cold Weather Running

Cold weather doesn't mean that you have to banish yourself to the treadmill all winter long. Thanks to new technology in winter running clothes, runners no longer have to trudge through outdoor winter runs wearing lots of heavy and…

Runners, Injuries & Nutrition

Runners get injured. Seems like it’s part of the deal. Be it a torn ACL, Achilles tendonitis, or a pulled muscle, the questions arise: What can I eat to recover faster? Would more vitamins be helpful? What about

Midlife Weight Gain

“I used to be skinny when I was a runner in college. Look at me now. My BMI says I am “obese.” “I’ve always been able to manage my weight by eating a little less and exercising a little more. Since I turned 50, that’s not working for me

Why does it feel like you run faster in the dark?

The clocks went back over the weekend, which means that your evening runs might have gone from dusk to full-on dark this week. Running in the dark produces a strange phenomenon that most runners notice – you feel like you’re going faster.

How to Choose a Running Watch

Running watches are popular due to their many uses. A built-in GPS, keeping track of time, and various stats make them used by marathon runners and joggers alike. You might be interested in getting a running watch but don’t know which one…

Does Music Help You Run Faster?

One thing that’s nearly ubiquitous among recreational runners at health clubs and on the roads is an iPod or mp3 player strapped to their arm. Most of these folks probably just use them as a distraction, especially if they don’t

Why Endurance Athletes Feel Less Pain

While researching a book on endurance a few years ago, I interviewed a German scientist named Wolfgang Freund who had recently completed a study on the pain tolerance of ultra-endurance runners. Subjects in the study had to hold their hands…

Couples Tips For Running Together

Are you a couple that rarely fights? Try running together…someone gets frustrated, someone gets tired, someone huffs and puffs till they blow your little house down. All right not all workouts go this way, but I’ve seen it happen to