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How to Prepare for Your Next Running Vacation

Knowing how to prepare for your next running vacation can be difficult, especially as they are so different from normal trips and especially if this is the first running vacation that you are heading on. If you are looking forward to your…

How to Properly Get Started With Running

Do you feel like you’ve been in a rut? Maybe it’s time to shake things up. Maybe it’s time to get started with running. Running is a great way for people of all ages and fitness levels to stay active, improve their health, and have fun! It…

How To Use A Treadmill To Lose Weight And Get Fit

If you’re currently trying to lose weight and get fit, then using a treadmill can be a great addition to your workout routine. In this article, we will talk about the information you need to know about treadmills, how they work, why they…

Male Runners & Eating Disorders

Guys, do you know that eating disorders are not just a woman’s issue? An estimated 8% of male athletes, as compared to 33% of female athletes, have pathological eating disorders that can damage their physical and mental health. This…