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Can athletes use CBD cream to treat sunburns?

We all know how soft UV rays are for the skin. Though the sun is the largest source of vitamin D, constant exposure to the sun can lead to sunburns. It gets harsh and rough if not taken care of early. And, it is the most common problem…

Tips For Getting Ready For Your First Marathon

Have you signed for a marathon? Signing up to run a marathon is a challenge most people aspire to overcome. Some join a marathon for health and fitness goals. Some join marathons to test their limits and improve them. Others join a marathon…

Coffee, Caffeine and Caffeinated foods

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is the nation’s largest group of exercise physiologists, sports nutritionists, and a multitude of other sports medicine professionals. Each year at ACSM’s Annual Meeting, members gather to…

Why are we so bad at going to bed?

The hour is late, and I am tired. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to do the sensible thing and go to bed. This is the first time today that no one has needed anything from me. The first time I haven’t been expected to be working, cooking,…

Personalized Sports Nutrition: What should I eat?

Wouldn’t it be nice if runners could get a genetic test that tells them precisely what they should eat to enhance their performance? Of course, the answer is yes! Personalized (or precision) nutrition currently exists as a growing area of…

Tips to run with a backpack

Generally speaking, when you run you want your limbs to be as loose and free as possible so you can keep your gait natural and optimize your efficiency. But when it comes to long distance trail running out in the wild, there are definitely …

Sports Nutrition Myths: Busted!

Keeping up with the latest science-based sports nutrition recommendations is a challenge. Runners are constantly bombarded with media messages touting the next miracle sports food or supplement that will enhance athletic performance,…

Five Ways to Exercise on a Rest Day

We love running, but running every day without rest days can take a severe toll. Whether you have rest days scheduled or take them as needed, they're essential to keeping you injury-free.

Tips for Recovery After a Race

Whether you have just completed your first 5k or are training for your next marathon, race day recovery is essential to keep you from being sore or developing injuries.