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Fit Snack Delivers Healthy Snacks to Your Doorstep

Fit Snack, a curated monthly box filled with exclusive, health focused snack options, announces the release of its launch box. Each month Fit Snack subscribers will be motivated towards an active lifestyle with healthy snack selections,…

Peak Thirst: Hydration for the Pikes Peak Marathon

Recently, while running up Pikes Peak I came upon a fellow with good intentions explaining hydration to a woman who was new to mountain running. He said: "You don't need to carry water with you during the race; they have plenty of aid…

Sugar, Health & Performance

Of all the questions runners ask me, “What about sugar…?” is at the top of the list. You likely have been bombarded with messages that sugar is evil, feeds cancer, causes obesity, ruins health, and should be avoided at all costs. Yet, you…

Sports Meals And Snacks: Fueling Hungry Runners

Picking the perfect menu to enhance your performance can be a difficult task. While many athletes know the words carbs, proteins and fats, they often don’t know how  to translate those words into food choices. Hence, the goal of this…