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Injury Prevention

What To Do If Bitten By A Rattlesnake on the Trail

If you’re bitten by a rattlesnake, you may notice one or two puncture marks made by their large fangs. You’ll usually experience some pain, tingling, or burning in the area where you’ve been bitten. There may also be some swelling,…

The Ways to Avoid Feeling Off During Workouts

One of the mysteries of being physically active is when the same workout feels great one week and lousy the next. Why does a routine 4-mile run or hourlong yoga class suddenly morph into the last leg of an Ironman triathlon?

Do You Have Exercise Induced Asthma?

Do you experience wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and excessive chest congestion and tightness during or after exercise? If so, you may have exercise induced asthma (EIA). I have had a formal diagnosis of EIA since 1993.

The ART of Recovery

After many long hard months of training, recovery prior to that awe-inspiring long distance race is essential. Many runners follow the recommendations of rest, lighter workouts, proper nutrition, ice, stretching and massages, but all too…

Home Cure Runner’s Knee

Patello-femoral joint dysfunction syndrome, also known as “runner’s knee”, refers to tracking problems between the knee cap (patella) and the upper leg bone (femur). The underside of the patella is shaped like the bow of a ship, and rides…