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Injury Prevention

How to Dress for Cold Weather Running

Cold weather doesn't mean that you have to banish yourself to the treadmill all winter long. Thanks to new technology in winter running clothes, runners no longer have to trudge through outdoor winter runs wearing lots of heavy and…

Runners, Injuries & Nutrition

Runners get injured. Seems like it’s part of the deal. Be it a torn ACL, Achilles tendonitis, or a pulled muscle, the questions arise: What can I eat to recover faster? Would more vitamins be helpful? What about

Why Don’t Runners’ Knees Fail More Often?

First, the bad news. A sophisticated new model shows that if you start running at age 23 and put in less than two miles a day, there’s a 98 percent chance that your knees will fail by the age of 55. Now, the good news: that doesn’t actually…

Five Ways to Reduce Recovery Time Between Runs

One of the best ways to get exercise without having to commit to heavy equipment or changing gym schedules is running. Running has numerous health benefits. However, it's easy to feel worn out and sore after a long run. Whether you're a…

Prevent and Treat Common Summer Skin Rashes

Trail runners and hikers may love to experience Colorado's great outdoors. But there are also a variety of skin ailments that can develop. To help prevent and treat common summer rashes and other skin issues, board-certified dermatologist…

Six Tips to Prevent Swollen Feet for the Runner

Running is one of the world’s most popular physical activities. It’s excellent for your heart health, physique and happiness. The US has over 60 million runners alone, and they’re not slow-ing down. This sport is known for its…