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Colorado Runner was founded by Derek and Jessica Griffiths in 2003. They were becoming frustrated with looking for races and results of races in Colorado, so they decided to put a magazine together to allow local runners one resource for all their running needs. Thus, Colorado Runner was born. Due to the ever changing landscape of print media, Colorado Runner’s last print edition was published on March 1st of 2019. We still maintain a comprehensive website as well as producing multiple events each year. To learn more about our events, click here.

Issue 83 (Spring 2019)

Welcome to the Event Guide for 2019! These pages are packed with every type of race. We have traditional running and walking events, as well as trail races and multisport events, such as triathlons. Once you’ve scoured the pages searching…

Issue 82 (Winter 2018/2019)

Many athletes start strong in the spring, and then train hard all summer and into the fall. But often, runners can run out of energy, both mental and physical, before the end of the long season. By incorporating some key elements into your…

Issue 81 (Fall 2018)

If you’re ready to head off the beaten path, it can seem intimidating at first to some runners. It’s easy to keep running your same concrete loop around your house day in and day out. There’s peacefulness in the sameness. When you’re…

Issue 80 (Summer 2018)

Colorado weather is warming up and that means that prime racing season is underway. There are so many exciting races to choose from, from urban road courses to mountain getaways on the trails. You’ve put in the miles and are ready for the…

Issue 79 (Spring 2018)

Welcome to the Event Guide for 2018! These pages are packed with every type of race you can imagine. We have traditional running and walking events, as well as trail races and multisport races, such as triathlons.

Issue 78 (Winter 2017-2018)

As Runners, We Love Our Parks & Trails, But Are We Loving Them Too Much? Visitation to Colorado’s open space parks and lands has skyrocketed. As more people visit each year, cities and other organizations are having a tough time dealing…

Issue 77 (Fall 2017)

As runners, we are always seeking out new ways to run faster and longer and avoid the inevitably slide in performance as we age. One of the hottest fads in the last decade has been compression socks and tights. As a marathoner, I have…

Issue 76 (Summer 2017)

Gone are the days when you got dressed in cotton running clothes and headed out for a run without any clue as to what your heart rate, cadence or average pace might be. And while some runners tout the benefits of going unplugged, I think…

Issue 75 (Spring 2017)

Welcome to the event Guide for 2017! These pages are packed with every type of race you can imagine. We have traditional running and walking events, as well as trail races and multisport races, such as triathlons. Once you’re scoured the…

Issue 74 (Winter 2016/2017)

Running has become an all-encompassing lifestyle. And I think that’s awesome. During the first running boom, you had to be a super fast, super fit dude like Colorado’s own Frank Shorter. And while Frank is amazing and I wish I were like…