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Athlete Profiles

Ella Hagen: The Triple-Crown Winner Smiling Through The Pain

Winning a single state championship is a tremendous achievement, but winning three, across three separate sports, as Summit junior Ella Hagen already has, is something truly unprecedented. And, she’s done it all with her parents serving as…

Colorado Future Stars: Quinn Sullivan

In this week's edition of Colorado Future Stars we'll be taking a look at recent standout freshmen performances. Colorado, meet Quinn Sullivan!

Colorado Future Stars: Jordan Banta

In this week's edition of Colorado Future Stars we'll be taking a look at recent sophomore performances. Colorado, (if you haven't already) meet Jordan Banta!

Get to know… Christian Groendyk

Christian Groendyk, 18, a senior at Fort Collins High School got his start in running six years ago when he realized that he just was not competitive in soccer anymore but he could outrun all of the players on the field. Soccer's loss was…