Issue 34 (March/April 2009)

Over the last few months, I have been delving into the world of social networks. I had heard so much about how many users there were out there that I thought it was something I needed to try.

Cold Weather Running Tips from the RRCA

The onset of winter needn't bring a seasonal halt to a runner's enthusiasm or routines. Outdoor exercise in the winter can be a pleasurable experience. The major risk posed by running in subfreezing air is frostbite and minor irritations to…

Issue 33 (January/February 2009)

Arien O’Connell, a fifth-grade teacher from New York City, ran the fastest time at the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco. But she didn’t win.

The ART of Recovery

After many long hard months of training, recovery prior to that awe-inspiring long distance race is essential. Many runners follow the recommendations of rest, lighter workouts, proper nutrition, ice, stretching and massages, but all too…

Issue 32 (November/December 2008)

Have any of you read the book The Purple Runner by Paul Christman? In this novel, a disfigured man is always seen running through the hills outside of London. He runs at such an incredible clip that most people do not notice his face. He…

Hit The Dirt on the Animas City Mountain Trail

Given its ready access, sterling views, and nice uphill grade, the Animas City Mountain 6.5 mile loop is a local favorite. The trail travels through a landscape of pinion-juniper and scrub oak, reveals majestic views of the San Juan…

Issue 31 (September/October 2008)

What were you doing five years ago? You might have been gearing up for a fall marathon or you may have been complaining about the cost of gas to get to your favorite weekend 5K. (The average price of gas in 2003 was approximately $1.70 a…

Hit The Dirt In Waldo Canyon

Waldo Canyon is one of the most popular trails in the region, and for good reason. It has moderate grades, views of both city and mountains, cool dark forest, and (mostly) good running surfaces. Much of the trail faces south, making for…

Issue 30 (July/August 2008)

At about the time that you’re collecting this magazine from your mailbox, the Olympic Track and Field Trials are taking place in Eugene, Oregon. I’m a long time track fan, but unfortunately, with the addition of an infant at my house, I’m…

Hit The Dirt at Devil’s Canyon

Devil's Canyon loops through a striking and beautiful sandstone canyon. It travels along a creek across the canyon and through juniper trees. An unfinished and deserted cabin can be seen at the halfway point of the loop. Don't be surprised…