Boulder’s Ryan Smith wins Leadville Trail 100

Boulder’s Ryan Smith won the Leadville 100 trail run Saturday night thanks to consistent second-half pacing that left his rivals unable to respond. It was the biggest win of his ultrarunning career.

Six Tips to Prevent Swollen Feet for the Runner

Running is one of the world’s most popular physical activities. It’s excellent for your heart health, physique and happiness. The US has over 60 million runners alone, and they’re not slow-ing down. This sport is known for its…

Trail etiquette for dog owners

Having a dog is one of the most wonderful experiences you can ever had. However we must realize that dog ownership is also voluntary. Not only do you have the new responsibility to care for a living, breathing companion that has needs, you…

Product Review: Nathan VaporKrar 2.0 12L

Living in Colorado, runners are blessed with an abundance of mountain and paved to explore. Whether or not you are looking for the beautiful natural scenery or a flat urban run, we have it all. And, one of the biggest things to worry about…