Courtney Dauwalter sets new fastest known time for men, women on Collegiate Loop


Colorado ultrarunner set a new fastest known time (FKT) for the 160-mile Collegiate Loop, which circles from the Twin Lakes Reservoir south to the Monarch Pass area.

On the morning of August 30, Courtney Dauwalter of Leadville, posted on Facebook that she had been craving a “multi-day effort all summer.” A combination of a strong body and mind, eager heart, and good weather led her to start a FKT attempt of the high-altitude Collegiate Loop in Colorado that morning. She planned to complete it supported, meaning she could have a support team meet her along the way and provide supplies as needed.

In total, the loop is about 160 miles with 33,000 feet of elevation gain.

Dauwalter ended up breaking the record for both men and women, finishing just after 10:30 p.m. with a time of 40 hours and 14 minutes.

Her time has been verified by

Read more about her amazing accomplishemnt at:

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