It’s Colfax Marathon Race Week!


The Denver Colfax Marathon will be held on May 14, and May 15, 2022.  New shirts and medals, plus an after party, awards and more. Learn more at: There will be a two-day Cigna Denver Colfax Marathon Expo at Empower Field at Mile High on on Friday, May 13th and Saturday, May 14th.  The 5K Kickoff will be on Saturday, and the main Race Day will be on Sunday with the Marathon, Half Marathon, Urban 10 Miler and Marathon Relay (Corporate, Government and Open Relay Divisions).

The course will wind through the Denver Zoo, along Colfax with epic spots like VooDoo Donuts and Irish Snug, by the Capitol, inside Denver Fire Station #1, and along 17th Avenue into an awesome finish party with 20,000 new friends.

There are many opportunities to run for charity. Choose your charity when you sign up and they will contact you.

Awards – Set a new event record, win $1,000.  Set a new state record, win an additional $1,000.  See the times to beat.  Age group awards are great keepsakes!  Overall and masters awards are based on gun time (1st, 2nd, 3rd).  Age group awards are by chip time (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in categories: 19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.

To learn more and to register, go to:

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