Colorado Race Timing


Colorado Race Timing, LLC provides professional event timing and database management for running road races. We are based in Denver, Colorado and locally owned and operated. Colorado Race Timing uses IPICO Sports Timing equipment to time each and every race.

The IPICO Sports data capture system is straightforward. The Sportag™ contains a microchip and two antenna loops—one to “wake-up” the tag and the other to send its signal. When the tag comes into contact with the antenna mat, it wakes up and starts sending its unique signal again and again to the reader, which stores volumes of data to be managed and communicated.

IPICO Sports Chip Timing System is superior to conventional chip systems. The IPICO system offers close to 100% read rate, even in unsatisfactory weather conditions and it can handle a large volume of runners with ease. The IPICO timing system is a proven winner and is the official timer of the Bolder Boulder 10k. With the IPICO system, results are handled in a timely and efficient manner, for a punctual awards ceremony. Results will also be posted on Colorado Race Timing, LLC website within hours upon completion of the race.

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