Running Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis


Running and foot pain don’t mix well. And plantar fasciitis might be one of the more dreaded ailments to plague runners.

The pain from plantar fasciitis can defeat the purpose of running and make it an awful experience. Heel pain is one of the more common foot pains, and plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain.

Typically, people with plantar fasciitis calf pain should wear shoes with support, cushion, and stability. This is especially important for running shoes. If you’re struggling with plantar fasciitis, getting the right running shoes can help you get on track to start enjoying running again.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

In the simplest terms, according to the Mayo Clinic, plantar fasciitis is basically a torn or inflamed plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the tissue band that goes across the bottom of your foot connecting your heel bones to your toes. The tearing or inflammation is usually caused by repeated stress and tension on the fascia.

There’s not one clear-cut reason for why the fascia tears. It can happen from daily wear and tear over several years. Or you might have a genetic predisposition.

But there are some risk factors involved, and, unfortunately, running is one of those risk factors. Some others are age, foot mechanics, obesity, or repeatedly standing on your feet for long periods of time. Basically, plantar fasciitis can be caused by anything that adds undue stress to your feet.

Letting your plantar fasciitis go unchecked can result in chronic heel pain that will eventually affect every aspect of your life. There is no clear cure for plantar fasciitis, but there are different treatments you can try. Some of them include physical therapy, stretches, steroid injections, and shoe inserts. These all help you manage the pain.

As always, it’s best to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to establish the best treatment plan for you.

Running Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

One way you can help manage your plantar fasciitis pain is through the shoes you wear. This is especially important for running shoes. A great place to start is with a trip to your local specialty running store.

Many specialty run shops have sales associates trained to help you to find the right type of running shoes for you. My go-to is Runner’s Corner in Orem, Utah. They have been in operation since the early ’90s and have helped tons of runners — including me — find the right running shoe.

I called and spoke with a sales associate at Runner’s Corner to ask him what shoes he would recommend for runners with plantar fasciitis. Following his recommendations up with some additional research, I landed on these five shoes as the best starting point for runners with plantar fasciitis.

It’s worth noting that there’s no perfect shoe that will help every single runner with plantar fasciitis. While these shoes have helped many runners with plantar fasciitis, they may not work for everyone. When picking out your next pair of running shoes, remember to make sure they work for you.

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