How to make working out in the morning less of a total drag


Do you like to work out in the morning, when it’s dark, often cold, and you could instead be snuggled under your covers and warm in your bed? If the answer to that question is a solid no, you’re not alone. It can be hard to work out in the morning, especially if you had a late or particularly draining day the previous day. But you might want to reconsider that decision and recommit to a morning workout. Doing so can provide a number of health benefits that you can’t get any other way. For example, when it comes to nighttime, you’ll end up sleeping a lot better. You’ll probably be much more productive at work, too, and possibly eat better — skipping the candy bar in favor of a handful of carrots and peanut butter, for example. How can you change your routine? This graphic offers some benefits and ideas to get moving in the morning.

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