Issue 26 (November/December 2007)


untitledA New Colorado Runner

My wife has finished nine marathons, but she recently completed a marathon of a different sort. Our son, Alex, was born in late September. The nursing staff at the hospital kept telling her during labor that she should pretend she was nearing the finish of a marathon. Jessica, however, wasn’t fooled.

“You can quit a marathon. You can slow down and walk. You can check off each mile. This is totally different!”

But the result of her effort was well worth the pain, she admits, while cuddling with our cooing baby boy. Hopefully you’ll see me at the races with a baby jogger in tow very soon.

November brings cooler air and the opportunity for snow to the state. It can be tough to stay motivated to train when the weather turns colder, the hours of daylight diminish, and the number of available local races declines dramatically. While some people stow their racing flats until spring, I use my dog Lucy as inspiration. A Siberian Husky, Lucy whines and cries at the front door during the cold weather months, begging me to pick up her leash and let her roam the trails near our home.

You can read about another inspirational canine on page 34. Local blind athlete Kerry Kuck is able to run on the sidewalks and park trails near his Lakewood home thanks to his incredible dog.

I hope you find a source of motivation to stay fit this winter. See you at the races!

Happy trails!

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