Become involved in Female Athlete Research at UCCS

Char Griess (@charathoner) certified run coach and marathoner completing a blood lactate test on a treadmill.

Did you know that only 6% of sports and exercise science research is conducted exclusively on female athletes? Our team or researchers is committed to advancing the knowledge base available for female athletes, their coaches, and practitioners by implementing research designed to understand the impact of exercise on the menstrual cycle. Based at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance Center, our lab investigates how menstrual cycle hormones, exercise training, and lifestyle factors impact female athletic performance and health. Key studies focus on energy availability, stress, and optimizing training programs for female runners and cyclists. The team, led by Dr. Marissa Baranauskas, aims to empower female athletes with evidence-based insights. Help us grow the 6% and become involved at 6% Performance Labs.

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