Coloradans Win 25 Medals at World Masters Championships

Article courtesy of USATF Colorado

The 2024 World Masters Athletics Championships concluded on Sunday (25-Aug) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Thirty-two (32) Coloradans competed in the championships that began on August 13.

The highlights for the Colorado athletes were the 25 medals (13 gold, 6 silver, and 6 bronze) won by the locals.

The gold medalists were:
 • Christel Donley (W85 Heptathlon, High Jump, Triple Jump)
 • Daniel King (M65 1500m, 8 km Cross Country, 8 km Cross Country team)
 • Kristine Clark (W60 5000m, 8 km Cross Country)
 • Mark Husted (M35 5000m)
 • Melissa Dock (W40 8 km Cross Country)
 • Roger Sayre (8 km Cross Country team)
 • Chris McDonald (M55 4x400m relay)
 • Mary Smith (W80-84 4x400m Relay)

The silver medalists were:
 • Kristine Clark (W60-64 10 km Road Race)
 • Mary Smith (W80-84 200m, 400m)
 • Melissa Dock (W40-44 8 km Cross Country team)
 • Roman Marenin (M40-44 400m Hurdles)
 • Marianne Martino, Carol Wilkerson (W65-69 10 km Race Walk – team)

The bronze medalists were:
 • Bruce Kirschner (M70-74 Half Marathon team)    
 • Christel Donley (W85-89 Long Jump
 • Gary Ostwald (M75-79 10 km Road Race)
 • Roger Sayre (M65-69 8 km Cross Country)
 • Roman Marenin (M40-44 Decathlon)

The complete Colorado results scoreboard can be found here.

The 2025 World Masters Indoor Championships will be held March 23-30 in Gainesville, Florida. More information can be found here.

Source USATF Colorado
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