The 5-Minute Mobility Routine

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

Certain healthy habits — like brushing your teeth — are second nature. Other good-for-you things — like mobility training — may take a more conscious effort to build into your daily routine.

While it’s not the sexiest use of your time, mobility training serves several important functions: It helps increase range of movement (read: healthier, limber joints), improves athletic performance (like deepening your squat) and reduces your risk of injuries.

Not to mention maintaining your mobility now will aid you in avoiding problems down the road. Total-body mobility can help prevent joint pain and falls (and allow you to preserve your independence) as you age.

So, how can you develop — and stick with — the habit of mobility training? Start small.

Do this 5-minute mobility routine, courtesy of Tatiana Lampa, CFSC, CES, creator of the Training with T app, every day. The moves are all laid out for you — taking the guesswork out of it — so all you have to do is show up (anywhere will do) and follow along. Plus, we can all agree: Convenience is key when you’re trying to make a habit a part of your everyday practice.

Try This 5-Minute Mobility Routine

This head-to-toe mobility routine is super short, but it’s still substantial. It hits all the major problem areas that tend to become tight, including your backhips and ankles.

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