Flying Pig updates age restrictions one year after 6-year-old’s participation sparked controversy


One year after a then-6-year-old boy’s participation in the marathon sparked nation-wide controversy, organizers of the Flying Pig Marathon have implemented new age restrictions for runners.

It says runners must be at least 18 years old to participate in the full Flying Pig Marathon, at least 14 years old to run the half marathon and at least 12 years old to run the 10K/Relay/14K. There are no age restrictions on any races that span distances less than 10K.

Waivers will be allowed in certain circumstances, according to the new policy for the half marathon and full marathon — but not less than 30 days from the race, so hopeful runners must have obtained them by now.

To obtain one, the policy says the runner still has to be at least 12 years old.

In addition, the runner must have parental approval, approval from a primary care physician and allow Pig Works’ medical staff to discuss the child’s participation with their primary care doctor. The runner then has to meet with Pig Works’ medical staff and have a guide participate in the race alongside them, or provide an emergency plan for race day contacts.

It’s been one year since the 6-year-old boy’s participation in the 26.2 mile-long race created controversy and discussion over social media. After his parents, Kami and Ben Crawford, documented his participation in the marathon on their Instagram account, the family faced a backlash as the discussion over whether that level of exercise could be safe for a young child spread across the internet.

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