Bicycle Colorado is acquiring the nonprofit Colorado Cycling


Bicycle Colorado’s focus is to get more people of all ages and abilities to ride bikes for recreation and transportation. For over thirty years, we have advocated for laws and funding and provided education services ranging from learn-to-ride to driver training to make biking safer and more accessible for everyone.

One key to Bicycle Colorado’s success is building the bike advocacy movement. The larger and more engaged our membership, the greater the impact we can have on behalf of bicyclists. Many of you—10,000-plus—are members of Bicycle Colorado, and your support through donations and volunteer time is critical to our success. You support us because you know how much our work benefits you as a bicyclist in Colorado. However, the vast majority of the roughly two-million Coloradans who ride bikes in Colorado are not members and don’t know who we are or what we do. Many of these riders participate in bike events and races.

To connect with the thousands of riders who participate in competitive and noncompetitive bike events in Colorado, Bicycle Colorado will be acquiring the nonprofit Colorado Cycling (formerly known as the Bicycle Racing Association of Colorado). Beginning in January 2023, the Colorado Cycling brand will be retired, and its operations will become part of Bicycle Colorado’s expanded Events Program. Established in 1975, Colorado Cycling plays a critical role in supporting amateur road and cyclocross racing and is the “local association” of USA Cycling.

Colorado’s 200-plus competitive and non-competitive bike events make our state a special place to be a bicyclist, and events contribute to local economies and nonprofits. The importance of organized events is why we publish an events calendar, promote events, and advocate on their behalf with government agencies when needed.

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