USATF Colorado Long Distance Running Grand Prix Heats Up With Four Races in Next Six Weeks


At each Colorado championship race, athletes will earn Grand Prix points that will accumulate through the year towards a year-end point total.  Points will be earned by all USATF Colorado members with the winner of each division earning 1000 points and the last place finisher earning 200 points.

Divisions (for both men and women) will be Open and Masters 40-44, Masters 45-49, Masters 50-54, Masters 55-59, Masters 60-64, Masters 65-69, Masters 70-74, Masters 75-79, Masters 80+.


July 3030 km Trail ChampionshipsPikes Peak Ultra, Colorado Springs
August 051 Mile ChampionshipsMountain Avenue Mile, Fort Collins
October 0910 km ChampionshipsBoulderthon 10 km, Boulder
October 2225 km Trail ChampionshipsBobcat Trail Races, Colorado Springs
November 5Cross Country ChampionshipsColleen De Reuck XC Classic, Boulder
November 195 km ChampionshipsPumpkin Pie 5K, Denver


Division1st place*2nd place*3rd place*
Masters 40-44$100$75$50
Masters 45-49$100$75$50
Masters 50-54$100$75$50
Masters 55-59$100$75$50
Masters 60-64$100$75$50
Masters 65-69$100$75$50
Masters 70-74$100$75$50
Masters 75-79$100$75$50
Masters 80+$100$75$50
Prize money is for each sex;

an athlete must score in a minimum of four (4) races to be eligible for the prize money

RULES/SCORING   (How you Score in the Grand Prix)

See chart above

Grand Prix Points
At each championship race the winner of each division will be awarded 1000 points and the last place finisher will be awarded 200 points. Points will be awarded to all finishers in a division on a descending scale down to the minimum point value (200).

  • Base Score – An athlete’s best four (4) scores will be added together to determine their base Grand Prix score.
  • Bonus Points  – An additional 100 points will be added to the athlete’s score for participation in each of the following events;
  •        – 5th event in the Grand Prix
           – 6th event in the Grand Prix

Total Grand Prix Score = Base Score + Bonus points


  • points can not be earned retroactively.  You must be a USATF Colorado member at the time of the event to earn points.
  • an athlete must score in a minimum of four (4) races to be eligible for the prize money.
  • If a masters athlete changes age divisions during the year his/her points will only apply to the division they competed in at the particular Grand Prix race.  They can combine races in the two divisions to meet the (4) four race minimum requirement.   
  • Athletes 40 years and older will be scored in both the Open and Masters divisions

Learn more at:

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