Patsy Pfaff on Turning 70 and Completing Her 100th Half Marathon


Patsy Pfaff of Arvada is turning 70 this month and finishing her 100th half marathon at the Summer Breeze Half Marathon in Arvada on June 25. She started being active 14 years ago and took up walking. She says she’s now logged 10,000 miles and has completed races in 12 states. She often listens to audio books when she trains, if she’s by herself, but loves working out with friends the most. We interviewed Patsy to find out why she loves races and what motivates her to keep going when so many her age are slowing down.

Why did you start walking? 

In 2008, I needed to do something physical to offset stress and emotional upheaval in my life. My dear cousin BettyLou, who was doing long-distance walking herself, suggested I needed balance in my life and encouraged me to try long-distance walking. It proved to be the right fit. My first race was with BettyLou in San Antonio, Texas in 2008. Half marathon walking has enabled me to combine exercise and travel with fun. Weekly training and the majority of my races are done with girlfriends…..we prove that it is possible to walk and talk! 

What motivates you to keep walking?

I want to stay healthy and active as long as I possibly can so I can live an active lifestyle. I want to experience as much in life as I possibly can! The best has been the wonderful relationships that have grown out of walking & talking with girlfriends.

What has been your favorite half marathon? 

Missoula, Montana in July 2018; the town of Missoula offered great community support and spirit. Our team, Team Altitude, of 5 women went on to Glacier National Park for a few days after we raced. 

Have you done a half marathon anywhere unique? 

Everglades National Park….you had to keep an eye out for alligators and only be faster than one other person! 

Why did you decide to celebrate your 100th half marathon at the Summer Breeze? 

Summer Breeze is one of 10 events that All-Out Multicourse Productions offers. All Out is the best local race company. I’ve completed 40 races with All-Out. I wanted a local race so friends could join me for my 100th or at least celebrate with me at the finish line.

Have you had to overcome any injuries? 

Nothing major. Nothing worse than a few blisters and some shin splints. I took time to be evaluated for the best shoe to fit my foot. Good shoes make the difference! I have worn 19 pairs of shoes – all Brooks Adrenaline GTS.

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