How To Stay Safe When On Your Morning Run

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Running is, as we all know, the best form of exercise. Not only is it good for your physical health, but it’s clearly good for your mental health, too – when you’re running, you can focus on your next step and the next one and not have to worry about anything else.

Or rather, you don’t have to worry about almost anything else. You do need to think about your safety. If you choose to go out running first thing in the morning when there are very few people around, you could be making yourself a target for unsavory characters who mean to do you harm. With that in mind, here are some ways to help keep yourself safe.

Tell Someone Where You’re Going

Because most runners go alone, especially when it’s early morning, it’s crucial that you tell someone when you are leaving the house, where you are running, how long you expect to be, and let them know when you get back home too. When you do this, they’ll know to watch out for you checking in with them, and if you don’t, they can quickly get in touch to ensure that you’re okay.

Although the majority of people are perfectly safe when they’re running, sometimes an accident can happen, or you might come across someone unpleasant. If this delays you and you’re unable to check-in, when your friend or family member calls, you can get the help you need. This is why it’s crucial to not only give them timings to follow but a route too. Help will find you more easily that way.

Don’t Be Predictable

If you stick to a routine, you might be making yourself a target without even realizing it. Leaving the house at the same time each day, wearing the same clothes, running the same route, and so on will all be something that someone wanting to steal from or attack you will be looking for. They might also be watching to see you post your running times and route on social media.

Therefore, mix up your routine as much as you can. Try not to run the same route two days in a row, and do it at different times if possible. It’s a shame that this has to be the case, but in the interests of your own personal safety, it’s wise to take precautions, just in case.

It’s also important not to make yourself a target by wearing expensive things such as your phone, earbuds, or even jewelry. Hide these items or leave them at home – even if you used a The Styled Collection coupon to buy the items, they’d still look tempting.

Greet Other Runners

Assuming you meet any other runners when you’re on your morning run, it’s important to greet them as you go by. Why is this important? It’s because you’re more likely to be remembered if you engage with someone.

Although this won’t stop something bad from happening, it would make it easier to deal with the situation if it did – other runners are likely to remember seeing you, and that could help catch the perpetrator or find you if you are missing.

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