How to Prepare for Your Next Running Vacation

Photo by Cynthia Magana on Unsplash

Knowing how to prepare for your next running vacation can be difficult, especially as they are so different from normal trips and especially if this is the first running vacation that you are heading on. If you are looking forward to your next sports getaway or big event abroad, here are some of the steps that you should take when preparing for your trip. 

Sort Out Your Furry Friend 

The first step that you should take is to sort out all of the basics to ensure that everyone at home remains happy while you are gone. For instance, many running vacations can last for a few months, particularly if you are heading out to a big sporting event. If this is the case, you should consider using a dog transport service from to move your usual furry training buddy to a safe place while you are away, such as a relative’s house. You might even decide to take your furry friend with you, at which point a dog transport service might be key to your vacation planning. 

Start Training 

It is no good planning a running vacation if you get there and realize that you are not fit enough to enjoy the trip. Therefore, you should make sure that you give yourself ample time to start training yourself up for the vacation beforehand, even if this is just for a short time each day. By doing this, you will then be able to ensure that you are in the running for any event that you have decided to attend, and that you will have reduced the risk of injury to yourself while you are away. 

Get the Right Insurance 

Travel insurance is key to any vacation, and yet it is even more important to take out this type of insurance if you will be performing an activity that puts you at greater risk of injury. You might even look for travel insurance that has been developed especially for sports vacations, and which can ensure that you have all of the support that you need should an incident occur while you are away. 

Pack a First Aid Kit

It is also important that you take a first aid kit with you on this trip, as well as many of the other essentials that you will need, such as running shoes and gear, and a running backpack to put them in. Packing a first aid kit will mean that you can treat injuries that you or other people sustain before you can get the medical attention necessary. This will then mean that you can recover from your injury quickly and that you will be able to prevent an injury from worsening while you wait for help to arrive. 

Choose a Buddy

Traveling with another person who is passionate about running is often key to your enjoyment of the trip. Therefore, you should try to find a travel buddy well in advance and make all of your preparations with them so that you know that you are both on the same page.

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