Rocky Mountain National Park proposes fee increases


Rocky Mountain National Park is proposing to increase its daily vehicle entrance fee and campground overnight fees.

According to the park, the proposal would increase the Daily Vehicle Entrance fee by $5, from $25 to $30. In addition, both summer and winter campground fees will go up. The summer fee for camping at Moraine Park, Glacier Basin, Aspenglen, and Timber Creek Campgrounds would increase from $30 to $35 per night, and winter campground fees would increase at Moraine Park Campground from $20 to $35. Group campsite fees in Glacier Basin Campground would increase by $10 per night.

These proposals do not affect the park weekly pass, park annual pass, or any interagency American the Beautiful passes.

This possible increase is based on fees for nearby campgrounds and will help park staff improve and maintain its visitor services.

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