Useful Hacks On How To Increase Your Muscle Mass Faster

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

When it comes to fitness, there are always two different kinds of approaches. One approach is to go slow, take your time, and progress like a tortoise and the other one is to be intelligent about your training for maximum growth in minimum time. It’s no surprise that most people would opt for the second approach as no one has decades to see the results of their training. However, it’s also not surprising to know that most people aren’t aware of the faster approach and end up spending excessive time doing the same old thing without much progress. 

There are a few hacks that everyone should know about to increase their muscle mass faster so that they can avoid undue frustration. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most useful hacks that anyone can implement to boost their gains. So without further ado, let’s get to it and learn how to increase muscle mass without wasting precious time.

1. Higher Volume

There’s a myth in the fitness community that one should stress their body as much as possible or else they’ll lose muscle instead. However, nothing can be further from the truth as doing low-volume exercises will not yield any significant gains. Try to maximize your volume while not overexerting your body to see the best results. Most people don’t exercise anywhere near their maximum potential and increasing the volume is always a good option for the vast majority.

2. More Protein 

Every person who’s been into fitness at some point in their lives knows one thing and that’s the importance of a proper diet. However, not all macronutrients are created equal and you should try and squeeze in as much protein as you can. Protein is so important that the coaches at My Fitness System say you won’t be able to gain any muscle without enough of it. No matter how hard you work out, if you’re not consuming enough protein then your body won’t be able to rebuild the damaged muscle fibers and grow. 

3. Adequate Rest

Perhaps the biggest misconception among people who exercise is that they build muscle while exercising. The way that our bodies work is that muscles are broken down while exercising due to the load involved. You won’t build any muscle while exercising because it only involves the breakdown of muscle fibers, the actual muscle building takes place when you’re sleeping or resting. This is why proper rest and adequate sleep are the most underrated tools that you should utilize to gain muscle fast.

These are some of the most useful hacks that anyone can utilize to gain muscle mass faster. There’s no one who doesn’t want to gain more muscle or wouldn’t benefit from it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a swimmer or a skateboarder, having more muscles as compared to fat will always help you increase your performance. There are many other ways you can increase your gains but these are the quickest and easiest hacks that almost anyone can utilize without needing to make any special investments for seeing the most significant results.

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