7 Best Exercises to Build Your Back Muscles

Photo by Benn McGuinness on Unsplash

If you want a stronger back, you need to start formulating a better workout plan that will leave you looking and feeling fabulous. Here are the seven best exercises to build your back muscles.

1.    Lat pulldowns

Lat pulldowns are a basic back-building exercise that primarily targets the latissimus dorsi, the broadest back muscle. This exercise is done in front of a cable machine using a pulldown bar that you lower towards your upper chest. To get the most out of this exercise, you should master the straight arm pulldown, an efficient variant of the lat pulldown.

2.    Kettlebell swings

If you want to improve your workout routine without going to the gym, then the kettlebell swing is an excellent choice for your back muscles. All you need to do is buy kettlebells, and you can engage in this exercise from the comfort of your home. However, as you practice your swings, you need to be cautious about the strength of your swings by limiting your stretch to your shoulder level.

3.    Pull-ups

One of the best ways to get a better physique as you work your back muscles is by engaging in pull-ups. This bodyweight exercise is excellent for beginners and seasoned athletes as it helps you attain a wider frame by propelling your back muscles to stretch.

4.    Dumbbell rows

You cannot ignore the effectiveness of dumbbell rows in helping you train your upper body. Your back muscles are not left behind, and for better focus on your lats, it is best to engage in:

●   Dumbbell single-arm row: This exercise helps work each side of your back as you focus on your weak points. The secret to getting better results is to let your back pull the weights and not your arm.

●   Chest-supported dumbbell row: This exercise is great for isolating your back muscles. It also helps keep your spine straight while strengthening your chest. You can use a roman chair to support your chest. Here is a list of the best roman chairs on the market.

5.    Deadlifts

The barbell deadlift is a full-body exercise primarily recommended by training coaches for developing a stronger physique. As you go through this exercise’s full-range motions, your upper-back muscles are fired away while your spine gets strengthened.

6.    Landmine row

The landmine row is a hallmark exercise for placing tension on your entire back and is an excellent alternative to the chest-supported row. It is also a practical way to boost your stamina and is best performed with your leg between the barbell for more stress on your back. Nevertheless, you should also try its other variations to target a broader range of back and upper body muscles.

7.    Farmer’s carry

Another great exercise that can be done at home to help build your back muscles is the farmer’s carry. You will need a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells that you hold as you walk around. It is a pretty simple technique for working your back without causing unnecessary stress, making it practical if you have back problems or a weak physique.


Building your back muscles has several advantages ranging from fixing your posture and reducing the risk of injury to developing a better physique. This makes it a critical element that you should include in your workout plan by practicing these exercises.

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