Hot Chocolate Race Brings 5,000 Runners to Denver


The Hot Chocolate 15K and 5K series returned to Denver on Sunday. The race series brought 5,000 people to a new course in Washington Park, due to the shutdown of Civic Center Park. The race offered two distances, premium swag and a post-race chocolate experience.

Dimitri Connell of Greeley won the 15K in 51:04 with Amanda Koslosky of Peyton won the women’s event in 1:01:48. There were 1,193 official finishers.

Bahdon Abar of Denver won the 5K in 17:34 with Denver’s Sophia Gellher crossing the tape first in the women’s event in 19:25. There were 3,405 total finishers.

Check out the full results at:

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