The Best Sports to Complement Your Running

Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

No doubt you’re into running, but what about other activities? Even among enthusiasts, there’s always room for more. If you are looking for some new additions to your workout routine that have nothing to do with running, you’re in the right place!

When we say these activities have nothing to do with running, that isn’t strictly true. These sports can benefit how you run by targeting specific muscles that ultimately complement your training as a runner. With that in mind, let’s get into it!


Though far less intense than running, golfing can provide profound benefits alongside your routine. Hauling your Stitch golf bag across the course is a great way to build your stamina on days when you don’t want to over-exert yourself. It works your arms, chest, and legs, which are all integral to running too. This slower-paced sport could be your new favorite. 


If you are looking for something a little more intense than golf but still different from running, cycling could be a great option. The leg movements involved mimic the movements made while running, working all the same muscles, but without the stress of pounding the ground. You can still receive all the cardio benefits without overdoing it each week.


There is no doubt that swimming is a great habit. It works all of your core muscle groups but is easy on your body because it is low-impact. Similar to running, swimming is great for heart and lung health, especially when it comes to stamina. If you incorporate swimming into your routine alongside running, you can a whole-body workout.


As far as competitive sports go, few are as potentially intense as tennis (or as popular!). It’s fast-paced and requires expert attention to form to prevent injury. How does this benefit your running? Well, running between shots is ample practice, but there is far less impact than continuous running. It’s also a different activity, so if you’re looking for a change, look no further!

Weight Lifting

If you want to improve your overall form, weight lifting is the perfect way to do it. It’s also a great way to take a break from cardio while still benefiting your health. You have total control over which muscle groups you choose to target between routines, but strengthening your core and hamstrings is a great way to improve your running. 

Why Do Anything Besides Run?

There are numerous reasons why you should adopt another activity alongside running. One of the big ones is sheer boredom. Even as a runner, doing the same thing repeatedly can get old fast, and nothing kills motivation like repetition. 

Additionally, strengthening various parts of your body will improve your performance when running too! These activities don’t exist in a vacuum. Practicing other sports will ultimately benefit your running abilities, especially when it comes to your stamina. 

Diversify Your Routine!

If you feel a little stuck and you aren’t sure how to break out of your slump, take on a new activity! You should never push yourself too far, as that is how you end up with an injury, but diversifying your routine is a great way to break through a block and take your health to the next level.

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