Colfax Marathon – Beat the Price Increase

DENVER, CO - The first wave of half marathon runners cross the starting line. (Photo By Kathryn Scott/Special to The Denver Post)

On October 16-17, come to the Mile High City and celebrate the 15th running of Denver Colfax Marathon! This is the largest running weekend in the Rockies and includes a Marathon, Half Marathon, Urban 10 Miler, Marathon Relay and 5K.

COLFAX MARATHON – BRONCOS IMPACT: With the Broncos having a home game on Sunday, we’ll have our main Race Day – Marathon, Half Marathon, Urban 10 Miler and Marathon Relay on Saturday, October 16th. The 5K will be Sunday, October 17th.

Register before September 23rd to beat the price increase and save $15 off your registration.

Click here to sign up:

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