Injured While Running? Here’s What You Need to Do


You’re running along, and all of a sudden, you feel something pop. This could be a sign that you’ve injured yourself while running. The pain is unbearable, and the adrenaline kicks in to try and get you back home as quickly as possible. But what do you do next? This blog post will cover what to do if you are injured while running, how long it takes for injuries to heal, and why it’s important not to play through injury when it comes to sports activities like running. Read the tips below.

Take a Break From Running and Let Your Body Heal

If you experience an injury while running, it’s important to take a break from the activity and let your body heal. If you don’t take care of your injuries properly, they can cause long-term damage such as chronic pain or even permanent disability. The worst thing is that if left untreated, these types of injuries will get worse over time.

This is why you need to act quickly and see a doctor as soon as possible, even when the injury doesn’t seem that bad at first glance. An x-ray or MRI may be necessary so that your physician can give you an accurate diagnosis of what’s wrong with your body. Once they have identified the problem, it will be easier to prescribe the appropriate treatment for your injury, including physical therapy. If you’ve been injured while running and need expert care, Chelsea Foot and Ankle offers specialized treatments to get you back on track.

Apply An Ice Pack to the Injury for 15 Minutes Every Hour

When you injure your muscles, it’s common to experience swelling and bruising. The tissue has been damaged or injured from an impact such as a fall or sudden twist. To reduce pain and inflammation caused by this injury while running, apply an ice pack for 15 minutes every hour until all signs of redness have disappeared.

It’s also important to remember that while icing your injury, you should not apply heat simultaneously because this will have an opposite effect and cause swelling to increase.

Find a Physical Therapist

When you’re dealing with an injury while running, it can be tempting to want to do as much as possible on your own. However, there are a few things that a physical therapist will be able to help you with. If you need help soothing your aches and pains, your physical therapist can tailor a treatment plan for you. The physical therapy process involves applying pressure and stretching the injured area. This will help get your muscles working again so that you can start running healthy and strong without any pain or discomfort in a short period of time.

It takes an average of three weeks for a typical running injury to heal, but some injuries can take up to six months. The amount of time it takes for your body to fully recover from an injury while running is largely impacted by how severe the damage was and what type of treatment you received after sustaining the injury. With the help of physical therapy, you should be back on the road in no time.

Rest Until You are Pain-Free Before Returning to Normal Activities

It’s important to give your body the proper amount of time to heal before returning to an activity such as running. This is because it will be easy for you to re-injure yourself during this process and cause more damage, leading to chronic pain or disability that can last a lifetime. To ensure no further injury occurs, you should stay off your feet until the pain goes away.

Pain-free doesn’t mean that it’s healed, but if there is no discomfort or aches when standing up or walking around, then this means that it will be safe to resume normal activities without risking any more damage to your injury while running. If you are still experiencing some

Use a Brace or Wrap if Needed to Support the Injured Area

Your body needs to have the proper support when you’re wearing a brace or wrap. This will help prevent further injury during running activities, which can easily aggravate an existing injury. After getting fitted with a supportive device, make sure that it is comfortable and fits correctly so that there are no gaps between the brace and the injured area.

If there is a gap, it will be easy for you to irritate the injury even more and make things worse than they already are. It’s also important that you learn how to wrap or strap your ankle so that it doesn’t slip out of place while running again because this can lead to further damage down the road.

The best thing you can do for an injury is to follow these simple steps and have patience. If your pain doesn’t subside, consult a medical professional immediately, as this could indicate something more serious. We hope that you will feel better soon by following our advice! Do not try to push through the pain or return to running too quickly; your body must have time to heal properly, so please take care of yourself and stay well hydrated during recovery.

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