Denver Reopens Many Parks to Cars


For the past year, Denver Parks and Recreation closed many park roads and parking lots in the city so that residents could run, walk, bike and skateboard with plenty of distancing and room to spread out. Some of those roads are now reopened, catching many outdoor enthusiasts by surprise over the past two weeks.

On Saturday, Denver Streets Partnership held a “Parks are for People” rally to share their concern about roadway accessibility in City Park.

“I think right now, there was a little bit of chaos when the [Parks & Recreation] department opened up streets to cars. People were used to being car free. It caught families and other folks walking and rolling through the park off guard,” said Molly McKinley, vice chair of Denver Streets Partnership steering committee.

Denver Parks and Recreation surveyed parks users, but then ignored survey results by re-opening street portions. Parks and Recreation released the survey results in February, and 82% of the 4,200 responses supported long-term closures.

Read more about this story at this link on the Denver Channel:

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