Simple Tips That Will Make Your Next Yoga Session More Effective and Productive


If you’re into yoga, for health or spiritual reasons, make sure to get the most out of your sessions. There are countless benefits to regularly practicing yoga; keeping you fit and toning muscles is only the tip of the iceberg. If you’re interested in learning more, here are a few tips to make sure you’re doing exactly what it takes to get the most benefit from this important and life-affirming practice.

Give Your Body Time to Digest

The human body needs a lot of time and energy to digest properly. This means that doing yoga with a full stomach is definitely a no-no. Think about this: yoga is about concentrating on your energy. If you do yoga while also digesting your food, you’ll be diverting your body’s energy from one activity to another. In this case, your body won’t be able to completely focus on either of the tasks, which would be counterintuitive. 

As a rule of thumb, wait at least an hour after having eaten a light meal, two hours after a larger meal, and four hours after a heavy meal before doing yoga. That way you’ll feel lighter and more in tune with your spiritual self.

Wear Well Fitted Clothes

It’s always a good idea to look for the right type of clothes. Loose clothing is inconvenient and likely to get in your way. Opt instead for clothes that fit tightly and follow the shape of your body. Moreover, you could see at which types of clothes may be helpful when it comes to doing yoga. By dressing the right way, you won’t just look good, but also have more fun without being distracted by baggy clothes which will get in your way.

Do Yoga in the Morning

Yoga is a spiritual practice that leads to achieving enlightenment. What better time of day to practice yoga than in the morning, when the sun is rising? This will give you a feel for the whole point of this practice. By receiving the sun’s beneficial rays early in the morning, you’ll feel like a true sage. This time is also known as Brahma Muhurta and is considered very important in Vedic science. 

It’s also beneficial to do stretching activities during the morning hours because there’s less of a risk of overstretching, dealing with muscle fatigue, or injuring yourself in any other way. We’re usually more flexible in the morning than at the end of a long, stressful day. Also, yoga can give that extra boost to your metabolism, which is much needed when going to work.

Actually Read Yogic Texts

Yoga is several thousand years old spiritual technique. This means that all of the do’s and don’ts of yoga have been written about before. Delving into classic texts by historical figures like Patanjali can be helpful in deepening your experience. Even if you don’t understand everything you’re reading or you don’t believe in Hinduism, by knowing something about the underlying yogic philosophy, you’ll be able to appreciate the experience and understand what’s happening to you and your body. Yoga is a path of self-transformation. So why not inform yourself about the ideas behind this great practice?

Try As Many Styles As You Can

There’s not a right and a wrong type of yoga. There are many teachers and methods out there and one of them is just perfect for you and your specific needs. In this day and age you don’t have to settle for one particular guru or one method: experiment, figure out what’s right for you, search and, most importantly, ask practitioners of a yoga method what they got out of it and how it helped them live a better life. 

There are fast and slow, intensive and gentle methods of yoga. It’s all about your own make-up and how your body connects with your well-being. Each school of yoga has different priorities. Whichever one you choose, be patient with yourself and others uncovering your true self may take a little time. 

Experiment With Poses

Yoga is all about being aware of your body and making yourself more flexible. Because everyone’s body is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to yogic poses. In this tradition, experimentation isn’t just tolerated but actively encouraged. Tweak your poses, make changes, improve your posture, build in extra positions. Any of these steps can contribute to improving your yoga experience. There are also many online resources that can help you learn new poses while guiding you through the details. 


Always be mindful of yourself. Yoga is a path of spiritual transformation and self-improvement. Whatever pose you’re practicing, really think about what feelings this is making you feel. Don’t be afraid to let yourself observe your feelings as if they were those of someone else looking at you from outside. By staying mindful, you’re being aware and in the moment. That’s basically what yoga is about when all is said and done. 

Keep yourself focused, while also setting realistic goals. It’s not about getting to any final destination, rather it’s about enjoying the path. Free yourself of any distractions that could get you side-tracked. Needless to say, your smartphone should definitely be turned off while doing yoga.

Be Your Own Guru

Teachers are important but think about it this way: who knows you best? The person looking right back at you in the mirror. It means that you are your own best teacher, especially when it comes to something as intimate as yoga. Be mindful of this fact when practicing yoga and accept yourself as you are.  This practice is all about you, which is why doing yoga is just as good as being comfortable in your company. Abide in your moment.

These are some of the steps you can take to improve your yoga experience. By avoiding common yoga mistakes, playing with ideas, understanding the underlying philosophy, and experimenting with methods, you can achieve better results in little time. It’s all about being yourself and accepting who you are, without compromises.

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