New 6-mile bike, pedestrian trail opens in Aurora


The E-470 Public Highway Authority has announced the completion of the extension of the High Plains Trail in Aurora. The six-mile pedestrian and bicycle path runs along the west side of E-470 from Quincy Avenue to Stephen D. Hogan Parkway.

The new trail features a 10-foot-wide concrete path in addition to two-foot-wide shoulders, providing paved space for pedestrians and bikers. The trail also provides a connection to five neighborhoods in the area.

E-470 recently completed a road-widening project that expanded the highway adding a third lane in both directions from Quincy Avenue to I-70.

“The expansion of the High Plains Trail represents E-470’s commitment to supporting our member jurisdictions and local communities through access to multi-modal transportation options,” said E-470 Executive Director Tim Stewart. “We value the many partners that support the expansion of this regional trail network, and look forward to seeing future expansion of the trail continue to connect communities in the region.”

The High Plains Trail Extension features three grade-separated crossings at Hampden Avenue, Jewell Avenue and CO 30, along with one at-grade crossing at Quincy Avenue, according to the E-470 Public Highway Authority.

The City of Aurora will maintain the new trail.

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