8 Quick Tips for Saving Money on Workout Clothes


Some people love sports and keeping fit, whilst others simply do it to stay healthy. Whatever the reasons, people need to be wearing the right clothes. Anyone who goes to the gym will know how hot and sweaty you can become. When someone is practicing rigorous exercises they need to have full freedom of movement. Without it, their skin could be chafing and prone to heat rash.

When people prepare to buy workout clothes, they are often overwhelmed by the choices available. Some people will want to look fashionable and only buy top brands. Others will be more practical, looking for modestly priced clothes that will be long-lasting. This article provides eight tips for anyone who wants a good deal on their sports items. 

Check Out The Internet 

It can often be cheaper to buy sports clothes online. If a company doesn’t have high street shops, it won’t be paying for premises and sales assistants’ salaries. Websites can be a great place to discover such things as discount coupons or promotional codes. Companies may offer price reductions when special credit cards are used, or tempt buyers with rewards programs or free shipping. 

People love to receive cash back, or to get savings vouchers when they subscribe to a newsletter. They can also opt to be notified when there are clearance items or sales in progress. 

Go To Discount Stores And Charity Shops

Cheap makes of sports clothes can be bought from places like Walmart and Shopko. Whilst you’re not going to find designer brands in discount stores, there may be some bargains to be had. Some factory outlets have fitness lines. In some cases there could be a batch that was unpopular with the public, didn’t look that great, or quickly fell out of fashion.

Sometimes people are able to find quality second-hand items in charity shops. Whilst this may not be applicable for all sports clothes, it’s worth checking out things like footwear. Have a look at the tread and assess if there is any wear, including the heels.  

Check Out The Sales

When it comes to general clothes, people often save money when they buy out of season. Take a look at stores that have sales or shop clearances to see if you can find anything. 

You may find late June / early July to be a good time for some price reductions. The first two weeks in January can often feature bargains as well because the shops are trying to entice people to spend after Christmas. 

Involve Friends In The Process

Do you regularly go to the gym or aerobics class with a friend? If you are both in need of some clothes, why not get some together. We’ve all seen the ‘buy one get one free’ (BOGOF) offers. Why not buy one item and half the cost between you? Some shops say, ‘Buy one, get the second half price.’ In a similar way, you could pay 50% each. 

Many moms have clothes-sharing arrangements with other parents. When their son or daughter outgrows something, they know who to offer it to. In exchange, someone else may have something for them. It may be that you know several fitness fans and can pool your resources. Whilst this may not apply to things like old tops, trainers could certainly be included. 

Be Sure Of Your Requirements

It’s common for people to not realize how many clothes they have. There may be some in the wardrobe, some in drawers, and more in the wash. Before you go shopping, take a full inventory of your sports clothes. Then you’ll know what you really need, and be saved from duplicating your T-shirts or leggings. 

If you have cheap leggings, it may be worth buying some more expensive ones for summer. This is because they may become ‘see through’ in the sunshine.  

Don’t Be A Slave To Fashion

This can be a fickle and short-lived thing. If you opt for the latest styles you will be paying the top prices. If you look for the same items in a few months’ time, they may be cheaper. The fad may have passed, or something else may now be being promoted. 

Sometimes clothing colors are viewed as very ‘last year,’ but this needn’t apply to sports clothes. When it comes to things like jeggings, neutral colors are often best. Think about blues, greys, and blacks. 

Look After What You Have 

Clothes age whenever they are regularly stuffed into drawers rather than kept nicely on coat hangers. Don’t wash your sports clothes if they are clean. It’s the use of washing machines and electric dryers that will age your clothes and destroy any elastic. Check the instructions on the labels too. You may have something that needs hand washing rather than machine washing. As with woolen jumpers, some sports clothes may shrink if placed in the electric dryer. 

Some people are learning to sew these days (thanks to Youtube), and are buying sewing machines as well. Instead of having to replace a garment, you may be able to sew on a button or stitch up a hole. There may also be iron-on patches you can buy to extend the life of a garment. 

Take Your Time

Don’t buy the first set of training shoes or tops that you see. Shop around and if you’re unsure, come back later. Perhaps you plan to visit a large shopping center in a few weeks. It may be worth wearing some old clothes until then. 

Some people have begun to work out in order to lose weight or to gain muscles. If they are successful their body sizes are likely to change, and so will their clothing requirements. When you go shopping you may need to think of the future. There’s no point in buying lots in a certain size that will soon be unsuitable for you. 

We have now seen that there are many ways to save money on sports clothes. When this occurs, you will be freed up to enjoy your workouts and reap the physical benefits of keeping fit.

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