Fencing Going Up At Paint Mines Interpretive Park After Vandalism


Officials in El Paso County say vandalism has been found at Paint Mines Interpretive Park near Calhan, and they are taking steps to try to prevent more. Spray painted graffiti was found on the fragile rock walls and people have carved their initials in the painted rocks.

Fencing will be going up around the overlook areas in the park, as well as at the ending and beginning of non-official trails, or “social” trails.

A very high number of people have visited the park during the COVID pandemic, according to El Paso County Parks.

Park Information

There is no shortage of incredible views in Colorado, but this one is pretty special. Located on 750 acres, the Paint Mines Interpretive Park has evidence of human life dating back 9,000 years ago. The incredibly colorful rock formations soar above you with colors in white, orange, purple, brown and more. It’s like a coloring book brought to life. You can explore the four miles of trails with lots of signage to learn a bit about the formations around you and all the natural wonders. Just be sure to take only pictures, as this is a heavily protected site.

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